Data Rescue PC3 - Promo, Coupon Code, Free Trial

Data Rescue PC3 DIY Data Recovery Software

"Data Rescue PC3 
A new breed of hard drive recovery for PC!"

50% Off Data Rescue PC3, the most powerful data recovery software


Data Rescue PC3 is helps backups and recovers deleted files and data in case of hard drive crashed, virus taken over, and other kind of disasters. It should be your first option to recover important data before you try other risky repair utility that might end up deleting your files completely. Users can use this program in two ways: as and application if you need to recover drives, OR using the included Emergency Boot CD in case of heavy damage on your computer system.

This amazing software features:
- Recovers most file types from your drives.
- Boast award winning technology that will works even when other software fails.
- Recovers from flash drives, SD card, and other medias.
- Works if the drive fails to mount or only partially operates.
- It will guides through the recovery process with simplistic interface.
- Technical support via phone and email.

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